Thanks for using KCash

You are applying Solar Energy Loan
The loan application can be completed in as little as 5 minutes, and your progress is automatically saved
  • {{ index + 1 }}
    {{ progressSteps[index].step_desc_eng}}
Eligibility criteria
At least 18 years old & You must be a Hong Kong identity card holder.
1. Photo of the roof before installing solar panels
2. Formal contract for the approval of contractors for the installation of renewable energy equipment
Application Tips: Documents can be re-uploaded at any time after application!
{{ error_loan_amount }}
{{ error_tenor }}
{{ error_loan_purpose }}

Personal Information

{{ error_last_name }}
{{ error_first_name }}
{{ error_chinese_name }}
{{ error_gender }}
{{ error_nationality }}
{{ error_hkid }}
( )
{{ error_birthday }}
{{ error_address_building }} {{ error_address_building_dirty }}
    {{ error_address_district }}
    {{ error_address_area }}
    {{ error_residential_status }}
    {{ error_living_year == 'correct'? (error_living_month == 'correct'? '': error_living_month): error_living_year }}
    {{ error_paid_by }}
    {{ error_p_address_building }}
      {{ error_p_address_district }}
      {{ error_p_address_area }}
      {{ error_property_status }}
      {{ error_declared_living_expense }}
      {{ error_mobile }}
      {{ error_home_number }}
      {{ error_email }}
      {{ error_education_level }}
      {{ error_marital_status }}
      {{ error_where_to_know_sq }}
      Online Channel
      {{ error_where_to_know_sq_online_other }}
      Offline Channel
      {{ error_where_to_know_sq_offline_other }}
      LGC Green Energy
      Mondo Green Energy Limited
      Kee See Energy Management Ltd
      Well Green Energy Technology Company Limited
      OEC Global Limited
      Smart Modu Solar
      Comet's Create Engineering Limited
      Shawn & Godwyn Leung Energy Limited
      Glory Environmental Energy Engineering Limited
      Slash Greenergy Limited
      Green Action Limited
      Jetsolar Resources Limited
      Century Elite Technology Limited
      Billion Smart Construction Company
      Vibrant Engineering Limited
      Ying Fung Environmental Limited
      Riches Solar Energy Company Limited
      Ocean Technology
      Ordermore Trading Engineering Company Limited
      Ho Ying Engineering
      Prozparity Energy
      {{ error_where_to_know_sq_Agent }}


      {{ error_employment_status }}
      {{ error_company_name }}
      {{ error_company_tel }}
      {{ error_company_address_building }}
        {{ error_company_address_flat }}
        {{ error_industry }}
        {{ error_position }}
        {{ error_working_duration }}
        {{ error_monthly_salary }}
        {{ error_payday }}

        Please enter "0" if you do not have a job.

        {{ error_payroll_method }}
        {{ error_other_income }}

        Please enter "0" if you do not have other income.

        {{ error_other_income_source }}

        More preferential rate will be offered if required information in this part is provided.

        Upload Document

        Hong Kong Identity card copy (color)


        Payroll account
        (Bank statement/ ATM card bearing name and account number)


        Bank Statement
        (Within 60 days of records)


        Recent 3 months income proof
        (Bank statement/ Bank book record/ eBanking transaction)


        Address Proof
        (Must be issued within last 3 months and bearing your name)


        Partner Contract


        Other Document


        You can delete unwanted documents in the document page after submission.

        You must upload Identity Card copy. Other Documents can be uploaded later.

        Applicant Consent and Declaration


        1) 借款人是否任職K Cash Limited或其集團成員的董事/監事/總裁/從事貸款審批的僱員/主要職員?

        2) 借款人之配偶或其他直系親屬是否現任K Cash Limited或其集團成員的董事/監事/總裁/從事貸款審批的僱員/主要職員?

        {{ error_dependence_name }}
        {{ error_dependence_company }}
        {{ error_dependence_department }}
        {{ error_dependence_relation }}

        Self-Certification Form (Individual / Sole Proprietor) for FATCA & CRS

        為配合由 2014 年 7 月 1 日起正式生效之美國《外國賬戶稅務合規法案》("FATCA") 及在 2016 年 6 月 30 日刊憲並生效的《2016 年稅務(修訂)(第 3 號)條例》中的經濟合作與發展組織 ("OECD") 共同匯報標準 ("CRS") 的實施要求,本聲明適用於新開貸款戶口申請人及貸款戶口持有人(個人)申報其是否為外國賬戶稅務合規法案中定義的美國人士及收集其稅務居民身分的若干所需資料。
        To comply with the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA") which is effective starting 1 July 2014 and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ("OECD") Common Reporting Standard ("CRS") set out in the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 3) Ordinance 2016 which is effective starting 30 June 2016, this certificate is to be used by new loan account applicant and loan account holder (individual) to declare whether the person is a U.S. person under the "FATCA" enacted in the United States and collect the related information based on jurisdiction of tax residence.

        I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. Resident / U.S. Citizen / U.S. Permanent Resident / U.S. Green Card Holder / U.S. Resident Alien)

        Customer's Declaration


        (擬借款人) 確認


        關於我/我們 (),香港身分證號碼︰ 持有人 (地址︰) 向你申請貸款一事,現謹確認︰





        {{ error_agent_name }}
        {{ error_agent_address }}






        Do you have any questions about loan application? Please refer to FAQ or welcome instant Whatsapp, we are always on hand to solve your problems
        All information collected will be kept confidential and will only be used for loan application purposes.


        成功推薦的現有客戶劃一獎賞為:港幣 $1,000


        • 港幣 $50,000 以上 港幣 $1,000
        • 港幣 $20,000 - $50,000 港幣 $500





        • 全新客戶準時供款三個月後,本公司以銀行轉賬形式發放獎賞。
        • 合資格推薦人會於貸款放款日後三個工作天內以銀行轉賬形式發放獎賞


        Hong Kong Identity card copy (color)

        Payroll account
        (Bank statement/ ATM card bearing name and account number)

        Bank Statement
        (Within 60 days of records)

        Recent 3 months income proof
        (Bank statement/ Bank book record/ eBanking transaction)

        Address Proof
        (Must be issued within last 3 months and bearing your name)

        Other Document

        Partner Contract